The act of crossing a stream or river by wading or in a car or on a horse. 徒步、坐车或骑马穿越溪流或大河的行为。
I was not yet twenty then, and I crossed the Ertix River clinging to a horse's neck. 那时的我还不满二十岁,我是抱着一匹马的脖颈渡过额尔齐斯河的。
There is flourishing pasture on the grassland and clear water in the river, by which horse can gallop freely on the vast field. 草原上有丰盛的牧草,河流里有清彻的河水,有了这些大自然免费供应的物质,马儿就能扬起尾巴,驰骋在旷野中。
On one side of the village where the river bank breaks off and is steep a hobbled horse is standing at the very edge, motionless as a stone, probably asleep or deep in thought. 村边上,在河岸断裂而陡峭的地方,有匹马紧挨着悬崖站定,腿上拴着绊绳,一动也不动,象是一块石头,它多半睡着了,或者在想心思吧。
The dreamily brooding look of the river, the circling of the jackdaws, and the sight of the horse make him drowsy. 那条河沉思昏睡的外貌、那些盘旋不已的寒鸦、那匹马,都给他带来了睡意。
This white line is Qian River in front, the left river bend ( west) is Horse Pond Bay, the right river bend ( east) is White Water Bay. 前面的白线是潜水,左边(西)的河湾是马潭湾;右边(东)的河湾是白水湾。
Today "when White Horse is hardly seen beyond the river, the Red Horse looks more apparent," which can be one of the most valuable culture deposits in Pingnan county. 今为“白马不见马,马过河;赤马看似马,马回头”,可能是平南县最有旅游开发价值的文化积淀之一。